Gospel Communities
Our mission is to be and to make disciples of Jesus who multiply His church. This amazing work will be accomplished by Jesus working in us through Gospel Communities - smaller expressions of Mission Church who commit to living as Christ's family, followers, & missionaries together.
It is our deep conviction that living by faith in Jesus was designed and will always be experienced in community - not mere homogenous groups of people like each other - but a diverse and ecclectic community under the headship of Jesus. Please contact one of the GC leaders or simply show up to one of the weekly meal nights to begin deepening your spiritual life as one of Jesus disciples who mulitiply His church.
The weekly meal nights are just the tip of the gospel community iceberg and will provide a time to eat, laugh, deepen relationships, pray together, discuss life on mission with Jesus, and anything else. So we pray you will invest yourself into the people of your GC. God sent Jesus to rescue us out of sin and isolation into a people - a family - He calls His church: a family of Christ-followers on mission together. Think of how the spiritual landscape of our city will change when we have dozens of thriving gospel communities living their lives in this way. The best days are ahead of us.
As Gandalf the Grey said to Bilbo on the eve of his Hobbit's Tale, "I am looking for someone to share in an adventure I am arranging, and it's very difficult to find anyone." Jesus similarly invites you to share in this adventurous life of faith by becoming part of a gospel community.
There are currently 2 gospel communities of Mission Church.
The leaders would love to hear from you and answer any questions you may have.
Christ & Sarah Kelnhofer
Fridays 6:00-8:00pm
714 McBeth Rd., WW
Daniel & Kristin Hallak
Wednesdays 6:00-7:30pm