Bubble #1: Getting all the smarts (1:12-18)
Bubble #2: Indulging in all the pleasures (2:1-11)
Bubble #3: A future with all the legacies (2:12-19)
Bubble #4: Having all the feels (but really just one) (2:20-23)
Bottom Line: Pleasing God is the way to wisdom and joy (2:24-26)
Humanity shares a haunting question
Satisfaction by achievement is a delusion
Significance by novelty is a delusion
We need the most “non-Christiany” book of the bible
Our real life happens in the mist
We see ourselves in the Teacher
There is a deeper faith-life God wants for us
Two realities of God's Plan
1) Our time of exile cannot be abbreviated
2) Our glorious restoration cannot be delayed
Three non-negotiables
1) Seek Jesus with all your heart (12-13)
2) Give primacy to God’s word (8-9)
3) Just live (5-7)
To save us from our sin
To secure us in right relationship with God
As a sign we never asked for
As fulfillment of his relentless pursuit
Awaiting our cheerful surrender