Light Has Come, Chapter 4
The Kingdom of Light
Key Verses: Matthew 2:9-11; Isaiah 9:7
“Of the increase of his government and of peace there will be no end…”
The Hero King rescues us from darkness – drives it from us by a new birth. What, then, are we rescued into? Colossians 1:13 tells us that God “has delivered us from the domain of darkness and transferred us into the kingdom of his beloved Son…” This means that the power the light has to break through and eliminate the darkness is the same power to sustain us – to hold and keep us forever in his Kingdom of Light.
The kingdom is forever because Jesus is forever. He is eternal and glorious. The hallelujah chorus of Handel’s Messiah is correct:
“And he shall reign forever and ever! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!”
He was and is and is to come. He is the Alpha and Omega. He is the Word in the beginning by whom all things were made. What Jesus establishes and determines cannot be undone or usurped or overthrown. Whatever earthly powers threaten, Christ’s kingdom will not be moved.
What joyous implications this has for us! The light that gives you life cannot be extinguished. To those who believe in Jesus – who welcome and yield to his light – he makes them sons and daughters of God. In His kingdom you have belonging forever. Never in the history of God’s dealings with humanity has anyone been denied who comes to Him in genuine humble faith. Whatever darkness you believe disqualifies you from Christ’s kingdom of love – his light is stronger, and he has made you belong with Him.
We belong with each other in this kingdom for it is a kingdom that transcends ethnicity, culture, pedigree, or lineage. Faith in Jesus is our common DNA. A new and greater Israel has been made from all peoples and nations and tribes and languages. And as this new people, we have true light and love to offer to the rest of the world still wandering in the dark. With each act of generosity, kindness, compassion, service, sacrifice, we proclaim our Hero King who has come…and who is coming again.
As sure as the sunrise will drive away the nighttime and all shadows removed by noonday – we are sure that Jesus will come again. He is Savior. He is Redeemer. He is Light and Salvation. He is the King who has brought joy to the world – let all the earth receive from his fullness – grace upon grace. Let every one of us prepare room in our heart for his majesty and mercy. Earth and Heaven, people and angels, now join together and sing “Glory to the newborn King!”