No Gain, No Gain
Humanity shares a haunting question
Satisfaction by achievement is a delusion
Significance by novelty is a delusion
Humanity shares a haunting question
Satisfaction by achievement is a delusion
Significance by novelty is a delusion
We need the most “non-Christiany” book of the bible
Our real life happens in the mist
We see ourselves in the Teacher
There is a deeper faith-life God wants for us
Two realities of God's Plan
1) Our time of exile cannot be abbreviated
2) Our glorious restoration cannot be delayed
Three non-negotiables
1) Seek Jesus with all your heart (12-13)
2) Give primacy to God’s word (8-9)
3) Just live (5-7)
To save us from our sin
To secure us in right relationship with God
As a sign we never asked for
As fulfillment of his relentless pursuit
Awaiting our cheerful surrender
His arrival as us was an eternal plan
His arrival is rooted in our human timeline
His arrival is undeterred by our sin and scandal
His arrival reveals the bigger story of redemption
His sharing our humanity is permanent
His dwelling among us was temporary
The one to arrive to us is God himself (John 1:1-9)
God’s arrival to us is a pattern of grace (Genesis 3, 6, 12)
God’s arrival to us is final and ongoing in Jesus (Luke 1:26-33)
God has covered the timeline to make us inseparable with him through faith in Jesus Christ.
Past: God gave his Son in our place
Future: God will give us future glory
Today: God is giving us ongoing life
God’s love is beautifully specific
God’s love has proven strength
So we can worship and live in certainty
Generosity is sacrificial
Generosity is giving to God
Our wallets need to be converted
The gospel is a story of generosity
Opposition cannot stand against God’s affections
Indictment cannot stand against God’s justification
Condemnation cannot stand against God’s salvation
Separation cannot stand against God’s love
We have all of God today
God gave all he is at the cross
All our tomorrows are filled with his grace
The Spirit is selective with whom he helps
The Spirit is effective in how he helps
What we anticipate: our fully restored life in Christ
Why we anticipate: God’s generous grace
How we anticipate: in the tension of genuine faith
There is an eager longing for what’s to come
There is hope amid futility
There is liberation from decay into glory
There is an invitation for you today
Your origin story defines your direction and determines your destiny
Your origin story is marked by family not by fear
Your adoption is a position of privilege
Your new family of origin redefines your reality
Life application #1: A new reality for seeing yourself
Life application #2: A new reality for battling sin
Life application #3: A new reality for enduring struggles
The indwelling Spirit sets your faculties on the things of Christ
The indwelling Spirit sets your reality in the life of Christ
The indwelling Spirit sets your hope with resurrection of Christ
It’s a matter of law
It’s accomplished by God
It’s lived out by the liberated
God invites us to search
His works go Full-Screen mode
His tenderness is perfectly sufficient
His power is eternally stabilizing
His generosity is abundant and unfailing
Our response is fitting and easy