Wisdom While You Work
What you do reveals your true character: Sluggard or Diligent
How you are left reveals your soul-condition: Empty or Abundant
What keeps you going reveals your heart motivation: Craving or Resting
What you do reveals your true character: Sluggard or Diligent
How you are left reveals your soul-condition: Empty or Abundant
What keeps you going reveals your heart motivation: Craving or Resting
Our money says 6 things about us. We are either…
1) Ruined or Rich
10:22 The blessing of the Lord makes rich, and he adds no sorrow with it
2) Greedy or Generous
11:24 One gives freely, yet grows all the richer; another withholds what he should give, and only suffers want.
3) Controlling or Contributing
11:26 The people curse him who holds back grain but a blessing on the head of him who sells it
4) Lying or Loving
20:23 Unequal weights are an abomination to the Lord, and false scales are not good.
5) Hasty or Habitual
13:11 Wealth gained hastily will dwindle, but whoever gathers little by little will increase it.
6) Poor or Prioritized
30:8 Remove far from me falsehood and lying; give me neither poverty nor riches; feed me with the food that is needful for me…
The Road Rarely Taken
There are only two ways that call to us
There is only one person to whom they call
There is a bunch of life or death differences
Read MoreWisdom’s worth is determined by its source
Wisdom’s worth is demonstrated by it’s effectiveness
Wisdom’s worth demands a costly pursuit
His cross reverses our debt
His resurrection reverses our death
Our reckoning reverses our destiny
We want a Savior who appears important…and he rode a donkey
We want a Savior who surrounds us with beautiful people…and he has 12 motley disciples
We want a Savior who defeats the powerful…and was arrested, beaten, and crucified
We have a Savior who is glorious and approachable
We have a Savior who welcomes the broken to make them beautiful
We have a Savior who defeated the power of sin and death on our behalf.
Given only to the humble (6-7)
Steels us against our enemy (8-9)
Promises God’s personal rescue (10-11)
Right suffering strengthens our mission
Suffering for the right reasons
Suffering with the right responses
Our exile culture puts the glorious dominion of Jesus on display
Prayer life fueled by divine perspective
A pouring-out love as our determining priority
The full praise of Jesus as our dominant purpose
Big idea: The suffering of Jesus reorients our life and satisfies our deepest desires
Sermon Points:
The suffering of Jesus has ended the power of sin
Our new mindset changes our purpose and priorities
Jesus suffered death to make us alive
Application Points:
Repent freely
Long for God's will by meditating on his work
"Good news" each other
Called to bless in light of our blessing
Called to bless in spite of our suffering
Called to bless in assurance of our deliverance
An honorable wife is fearless because of Jesus.
An honorable husband is free before Jesus.
The gospel holds us in balance between compliance and freedom
The gospel holds us in balance between abuse and reward
Read MoreAbandon the fight for gaining honor
Only Jesus is worthy of God’s honor
Come to him for bestowed honor
Love one another with integrity
Love one another with intensity
Love with purity
Hope - the guaranteed reward that fuels a holy life (13)
Holiness - way of life that reflects the character of God (14-17)
Highest Price - our granted redemption that makes holiness real (18-21)
A privilege with deep roots…so be humble
A privilege of divine source…so be confident
A privilege of angelic wonder…so be in awe
By God’s foreknowledge for holiness
By God’s mercy for new life
By God’s providence for proven faith
The deepest kind of love
The greatest source of love
The truest measure of love