The Greater Word
What God spoke through Jesus makes him final
The superiority of Jesus makes him trustworthy
The effect of Jesus is life-changing
What God spoke through Jesus makes him final
The superiority of Jesus makes him trustworthy
The effect of Jesus is life-changing
Elder work is noble and must be reached-for
Elder work is noble and therefore has strict restrictions
Elder work is noble because it is rooted in the work of Jesus
The ORIGINS of the deacon role demonstrate their necessity for the church to work
The REQUIREMENTS of deacons display the priority for the church to work
The BEAUTY of the deacon role echoes the reason the church works
Because the bible is full of it
Because we can’t fully be Christ’s church without it
Because Jesus declared we’re worth it
Being out cannot keep God away
God’s proclamation lets anyone in
Being in makes you forever changed
Our great fear is to be on our own
Jesus is the promise of God’s companionship
Belief in Jesus results in courageous faith
News too good to be true
A question too reasonable to avoid
An answer too amazing to anticipate
The response too liberating to withhold
Jesus came in real imperfect history
Jesus came from real imperfect people
Jesus came for real perfect hope.
When the stuff of life goes away, Jesus is enough for me to rejoice.
When the environment for living gets dangerous, Jesus is enough for me to be surefooted
Request his sustaining mercy
Remember and rest in God’s wonderful sovereignty
Resolve to quietly wait
God’s justice lacks nothing
The Imperialist (6-8)
The Exploiter (9-11)
The Culture-Builder (12-14)
The Indulgent (15-17)
The Idolater (18-20)
Christ’s sacrifice covers everything (Col 2:13-15)
Our faith in Him is complete
A destiny of destruction is guaranteed for the prideful
A destiny of life is guaranteed for the faithful
God’s sovereign work is revealed
God’s sovereignty can compound our crisis
God’s sovereign grace sets our posture of conviction
Read MoreRevelation over information
Crisis is rooted in compromise
Conviction is the foundation of our cries
Little k kingdom
Uncertain and Limited
Capital K Kingdom
Certain and Unbounded
Read MoreBig Idea: We follow Jesus by loving him and loving others, fueled by his love for us.
Follow Jesus by loving him and loving others
·The fuel for following is Jesus’s love for us
Our soul wants to be well. (John 5:1-9)
Our fears fight to be secure. (John 5:10-15)
Our hears long for relationship. (John 5:16-18
“What Do You Want Me to Do for You?”
Read MoreContrast: Herod's banquet in a palace vs Jesus' banquet in the wilderness
Numbers 11:23 "Is the Lord's hand shortened?"
Ezekiel 34 "MY sheep of MY pasture!"
Psalm 23 - Green pastures and a banquet amidst enemies.
Response - How do we answer Jesus' question?
Actual: Not nearly enough!
Action: Everything I have!