Sticky Renewal
Renewal must move beyond sentiment to action
Renewal must be tested and proven
Renewal must be memorialized for the future
Renewal must rest on perpetual judgment
Renewal must move beyond sentiment to action
Renewal must be tested and proven
Renewal must be memorialized for the future
Renewal must rest on perpetual judgment
Our guilt is the platform for God’s grace
Weakness is overcome by God’s presence
Pride is removed by God’s power
Heroism is replaced by God’s Hero.
Listen -When God Speaks
Obey - What God tells you to do
· Don’t wait for someone else to obey before you obey
· Delayed obedience is disobedience
God uses the imperfect to accomplish his perfect plan
The foundation of our greater identity is a matter of choice
The components of our greater identity are divinely interwoven
The heart of our greater identity is the grace of God in Jesus
Read MoreCannot be hindered by our personal limitations
Cannot be lost by sacrificing to God
Cannot be ruined by deceitful scheming
Cannot be derailed by maverick methods
Cannot be toppled by systemic hostility
We find fulfillment by faithfully focusing on our future homeland
Focus on the faithful one
Fix your eyes on your future homeland
Find fulfillment today, because of tomorrow
Essence of faith: believing God’s word more than what is seen
Promise of faith: receiving God’s gift to see the unseen
Foundation of faith: perceiving that God makes all things out of unseen things
Demonstrations of faith: watching it do its thing
Reckon with the reality of God’s judgment
Recall the days of grit in action
Resolve to be one who believes in Jesus
We have the loving welcome of Jesus.
We have the perfect leadership of Jesus.
We should draw near to God in faith
We should hold fast our confession of hope
We should lovingly spur each other towards holiness
Insufficient offerings stir-up a deep desire (1-4)
The sufficient offering of Jesus satisfies God’s desires and ours (5-10)
The single offering of Jesus secures us for ongoing growth (11-14)
The absolving offering of Jesus sets us free to delightfully obey (15-18)
The greater cost of Jesus life assures us…
Our inheritance is inaugurated
Our advocacy is unchangeable
Our sin-removal is final
Our reward is worth the wait
Our best is never enough
Jesus' once is forever enough
Our freedom of worship is forever enjoyable
A faulty relationship must be replaced
A faultless relationship has been provided
A finished relationship cannot be undone
Origin of undisputable authority (1-10)
Efficacy of unprecedented completion (11-19)
Guarantor of unblemished faithfulness (20-22)
Salvation of unending intercession (23-25)
Mediator of unmatched perfection (26-28)
Ingredients for greater assurance are promise and oath
Designed effect of greater assurance is motivation to never give up
Guarantee of great assurance is the finished work of Jesus
You’ve got to let go of what’s primordial
You’ve got to go on to what’s final
You’ve got to keep going with the faithful
Greater appointment makes advocacy rooted in God’s will
Greater solidarity makes advocacy available to anyone
Greater achievement makes advocacy never ending and wonderful
Jesus must be proclaimed because He's news not advice
Jesus must be embraced because He's relational not informational
Jesus gives us security because He's real not a legend
We stay the course because He guarantees to save us